Friday, October 4, 2013

Academic Shoot Reflection

Some challenges I faced was: I couldn't just tell people to move and they'd do it.  I had to make the best of what I had, as Booker T. Washington did.  (that's history for ya!).  Another challenge I faced was the challenge of students not working.  I walked in the class and sometimes they'd just smile and wave at the camera.  Not the makings of a good picture.
I thought about camera angles the most.  Certain camera angles would've made lighting more effective, or the subject clearer.  That was an obvious answer, but anyway, down below...
If I could do the assignment again, I would only take pictures of still things, and I would take more level photos.  Also, I would try not to take pictures that have any distracting things in the background, such as posters or computers in a picture intended to show students WRITING essays together, using group work.
Like I did when I took those photos, I would half press to clear up the photos, I would look for focused students who were sitting down, etc.
Next time I get a prompt, I think that "Framing" will be the easiest goal to achieve.  (this opinion is based on an amateur that is me.)
The hardest goal to achieve will be avoiding mergers.  Sometimes there are things so interesting you forget the proper technique to taking the picture and important stuff's cut out.
I'm still not entirely clear on what the "Rule of Thirds" is.  To figure out the rule, i'm going to ask the teacher, Mr. Doerr, what the rule is and means.

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