2. I see stairs leading out, making me want to follow them. I see elegant shadows (shading) that give this picture quality. I see a very fancy typewriter, probably for rich people. It looks kind of weird. A misshapen, weird, typewriter.
I smell wood dust all over the room, after a recently sanded staircase. I smell candles downstairs. I smell sweat all over the typewriter from hands who waited until the last minute to write his essay.
I hear footsteps, perhaps it is a burglar right around the corner of the stairs. I hear the clickity clackity of the keys getting banged on. I hear my little brother playing video games on the T.V. I hear... I hear a mother dying to protect her son.
I taste my own sweat dripping from my forehead as my curiosity of what's downstairs increases. I taste sweat on the desk of which the typewriter is on from my previous last minute essays. I taste blood on my over working hands.
I feel the rails on the stairs. I feel my hands on the typewriter. I feel sick of the same 'ol staircase, the same old typewriter essays! I feel... I fe... I feel like, like you got the point already :D
3. Blog please