Friday, January 17, 2014

Magazine Covers Preview-My Favorite Cover


What does it mean to raise a Texan? It’s a critical question but one that’s not so easy to answer. We know it’s much more complex than a family trip to the Alamo or a well-taught seventh-grade Texas history class. And we know that it means different things to different people, that there are as many ways to raise a Texan as there are kinds of Texans. And yet, it’s also evident that some common denominator binds us all together. For most of us, that shared identity begins in childhood, when an understanding of the unique character of this place we call home begins to dawn.

The portrait on the cover of the Texas Monthly Magazine is cool.  I still have it lying around at my house.  Those kids are so cwute!  How did they get them all to stand so professionally? That's it for the cover photo.
As for the text,  it makes me bored.  A boring and dull gold and black color.  a dull style of text on top, middle, and bottom.  I do not like the text.  But the photo is awesome!
If I were to judge this cover, I would say that it's very luring with the photo, but very dull with the text.
Just like a Texas I suppose.  
The only thing communicated by the people in the portrait is Cuteness!

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